9424 1449 0 8942414490 8 9425 5588 0 8942555880 8 9443 9218 0 8944392180 93893057 93893057 94 439 218 94439218 94241449 94241449 94439218 94439218 CH 110 CH110
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9424 6351 0 8942463510 9 120 143 200 9120143200 9 120 143 201 9120143201 9 120 143 202 9120143202 90-05-9163 90-05-9163 90-22-5500 90-22-5500 933459 933459 933463 933463
9424 2953 0 8942429530 90-29-5009 90-29-5009 90-29-5017 90-29-5017 932491 932491 ALT30056
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9424 2063 0 8942420630 8 9433 7866 0 8943378660 8 9442 4388 0 8944243880 8 9444 6752 0 8944467520 8 9447 8863 0 8944788630 8 9713 5317 0 8971353170 86.205 86.205 86.208 86.208 90-70
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9424 6957 0 8942469570 8 9424 6957 1 8942469571 90-25-1135 90-25-1135 94 246 957 94246957 94246957 94246957 A-8582 A-8582 LR140
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